rowanberry studio animated gif

We were discussing Rowanberry Studio last night attempting to refocus and redefine the brand together, so that Linda can move forward with a better-defined goal with her art glass. In our research to understanding branding, there somehow didn’t seem like enough of an explanation. As a result, we came up with Nicole and Linda’s insight to branding.

We begin by deconstructing and isolating the elements of Rowanberry Studio:
1. Visualize. Think of your business as a “person”, a living being that has a personality.
2. Find descriptive adjectives. Describe that personality by using adjectives that relate to your brand: soulful, earthy, sincere
3. Describe main categories that define the business. Look at the job that “person” has: Selling fine art, decorative objects, craft items

Next we look at the coordinating details for your “person’s” image:
– Colors. Can the colors for your logo, website, and printed materials be described as earthy?
– Text. Is any text written on the logo, website, and printed materials sincere?
– Categories. Is it clear how the business is organized? Do you see what is offered?

Do you start to see an image in your mind? Branding should create an image, and if done well, the public will all perceive that image the same way. An important aspect to note is that a brand also is transformed by public perception. The ultimate success is when that public perception matches what you intended all along.
